"Refuge under Cream and Blue Skies" Original Painting
"Refuge under Cream and Blue Skies" Original Painting
"Refuge under Cream and Blue Skies"
Original artwork 11" x 14", oil on Arches oil paper, is inspired by a recent trip to Colorado in Fall 2023. When standing on the plains of the Central Valley of Colorado and photographing the mountains, I saw the clouds dwarfing everything in the great expanse. After acclimating to the thin air, I rented a cabin in Leadvill Colorado for several weeks with a friend and proceeded to paint my little heart out. 8 paintings and 2 sketches in total. With hundreds of photos to work from back home, I think this is my favorite from the trip. The clouds are soft and have a soothing movement to them. I think I'm getting somewhere with this one...
Buy this painting online here or schedule a studio visit to see the series in person by shooting an email to vanessajadelacy@gmail.com